Daisy-care.com was honored to be one of the sponsors of
the second “Sparkle Posh Pup” brunch. This year it was held in the Montrose
area in Houston and even caught the attention of a local news channel. It was a
one-of-a-kind event with a menu for the dogs as well as humans. The event
provided a great opportunity for all 32 attendees to meet other Houston
dog-lovers, learn about new products in their swag bag, and an opportunity to
learn about pet-friendly restaurants in and around Houston. Hop on over to Taylor’s blog for
the full scoop and photos!

Even though the event is over you can recreate a brunch
with your dog any day of the week with our Puppuccino Care Package.
Our brunch package includes two sweet potato-flavored donuts dipped in yogurt
and carob. As always here at Daisy-care.com, these treats are made with
high-quality ingredients and are made in the USA.